"We are Together" Painting by Mina Dowler, a young girl of a group of elephants walking in the middle of the night with their trunks holding on to the tail of the elephant in front of them. They are under a starry night and a full moon.

Kids & Quarantine

Painting by Mina Dowler “We are Together

This is a group of elephants walking in the middle of the night with their trunks holding on to the tail of the elephant in front of them. They are under a starry night and a full moon. I painted it because I thought it would be fun and it would keep me busy, so that I am not bored.

Mina Dowler
Child's drawing of a woman doctor with red hair and blue scrubs

Quaranzine Kids:
Special Edition 2

Quaranzine is a weekly posting of drawings and writing from the Arlington community that documents this time of quarantine because of the corona virus. Some issues are devoted completely to work by kids.

Do you live or work in Arlington, Virginia?
Submit your own work.

Drawing by Sofia Garmize. Sofia is 6 years old and a student at the Arlington Science Focus School. The title of the work is “Thank you dokters!” (aka Thank you doctors!).

Who is creating a quarantine archive for our communities of Santa Fe?

Who is creating a quarantine archive for New Mexico?

Handwritten poem by young boy. It reads "All this tiem the lunds of the Amazon were on fire. Now it is our lungs that burn.

Quaranzine: Issue 3
April 20: Notes from the Field
Work from Adults and Kids

Rashmi Dighe, “Journal Entry” A short poem reflecting on the current state of affairs.

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