Blue Poison Frog sitting on a green leaf at the San Diego Zoo

Zoo Help/Ayuda del zoológico

If you are a teacher, parent, grandparent, or older sibling looking to introduce kids to the world of wild animals, the San Diego Zoo has jump-off-the page beautiful pictures and information about its animals on its well-designed and easy-to-navigate website: The San Diego Zoo Kids.

African Cheetah, African Dwarf Crocodile, African Elephant

Over 100 different animals listed: Allen’s Swamp Monkey, American Flamingo, and Anaconda to Two-toed Sloth, Warthog, and White Rhino.


Online Zoo Games: Living Legends, Tiger Trail, Safari Park Adventure, Polar Bear Plunge, and Elephant Odyssey. To see more about the Lion Game (Living Legends), click here.

Four small kids looking at tall grasses

Zoo Kids Save the World! Find ways your kids can help animals no matter where you live.
Things we do in our everyday life can make a difference for wildlife and their habitats.

Little girl making a plate in arts and crafts room

More than thirty activities (arts and crafts with a mix of science) including coloring pages (elephants, gorillas, penguins, butterflys …), sound science, make a maze, …

Baby tigers with mother

Stories about the lives of the animals at the San Diego Zoo. Illustrated with pictures.


Live cameras recording animals in their habitat in the San Diego Zoo. Also story videos about the zoo animals.

What Makes the San Diego Zoo Different From Other Zoos?

The San Diego Zoo has set the standard for modern zoos. In this 100-acre zoo, animals from different species often share the same natural habitat.

By uniting our expertise in conservation science with our dedication to inspiring a passion for nature, San Diego Zoo Global is committed to saving wildlife worldwide.


The San Diego Zoo is a zoo in Balboa Park, San Diego, California, housing more than 3,500 animals of more than 650 species and subspecies. Its parent organization, San Diego Zoo Global, is one of the largest zoological membership associations in the world, with more than 250,000 member households and 130,000 child memberships, representing more than a half million people.

The San Diego Zoo was a pioneer in the concept of open-air, cageless exhibits that re-create natural animal habitats. It is one of the few zoos in the world that houses, and successfully bred the giant panda, although the pandas have recently been repatriated to China. In 2013, the zoo added a new Australian Outback exhibit, providing an updated Australian animal experience. Another new exhibit, called Africa Rocks, opened in 2017.

With over 4 million visitors, San Diego Zoo is the most visited zoo in the United States.Travelers have also cited it as one of the best zoos of all time.


For Grownups: teacher/parent resources and activity guides.

And about that blue poison frog at the zoo.

4 thoughts

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